joi, 28 ianuarie 2010

The shadow always follows

To rid ourselves of our shadows - who we are - we must step into either total light or total darkness

6 comentarii:

  1. Interesting. I like the thoughts. And the picture is good too.

  2. Noi suntem asa cum ne vad altii,cu sau fara umbre.Bine ar fi sa iesim din intuneric pentru ca numai la lumina ne putem defini Dan

  3. I've always been interested in this type of light, without artifice. You may have focused a little more interesting reason, the left parez smother the rest of the scene.

  4. da, sint deacord, si imi place cum ai ilustrat conceptul cu poza.

  5. Do you know the story of the man who sold his shadow? From that moment people recognizede him as a stranger in the world. I love the picture.
    Best wishes form Margot

  6. superb cadrul, dar si cugetarea e foarte buna.
    cele bune iti doresc si spor pe mai departe.
