duminică, 24 octombrie 2010

Colours of autumn

10 comentarii:

  1. frumoase pozele... tale. voiam sa scriu initial doar pozele, dar mi-a soptit cineva ca e prea sec...si n-as vrea sa fiu sec......prea sec :))

  2. Very beautiful pictures. Here we have snow :-(

  3. O nebunie coloristica demna de toata admiratia.
    Cata frumusete a creat Dumnezeu pentru noi oamenii!

  4. Even with all the pretty colors of the leaves and etc changing, I still find autumn a sad time of year. Not sure if it's because I know winter is coming, everything is dying off for winter or the fact I have a birthday in Oct. My favorite time of year is late Spring, when everything is turning green again and flowers are starting to pop through the ground.

  5. Ce fotografii luminoase … un sfârșit de săptămână fericit!

  6. M-am reantors in splendoarea imaginilor unei toamne frumoase.O zi buna dyanna draga mea!
