vineri, 10 aprilie 2009

Undeva in Bucuresti...

Daca ar fi trebuit Julieta sa il astepte pe Romeo la acest balcon,oare ar mai fi facut-o ?

3 comentarii:

  1. the photo at the top of your blog is wonderful! it makes me want to be there wandering down that trail soaking up the beauty of the trees!

    thanks for you kind words on my blog! i tried to find a way to read your blog in english but could not! i'd love to read the stories that go with the great photos!

    take care!

  2. Ar fi facut-o daca era asigurata cu, corzi de protectie :))

  3. ar mai fi facut-o?Te gindeai la ceva anume cind ai scris asta? :-)
