luni, 13 iulie 2009

Si furnica......

5 comentarii:

  1. thank you for visiting my blog.
    unfortubnately, I cannot understand the romanian langauage.
    But this photo did remind me of something that was brought to my notice.

    We squash an ant without thinking twice, yet what is an ant to man, compared with man to God. Yet, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son ... John 3:16

    sharing a link in your language

    God bless you with His knowledge.

  2. eu cred ca am o familie de furnici in casa linga soba, ca tot vad 1-2 furnicute plimbindu-se prin zona, le-am dat si firmituri, si putin zahar, da sper sa nu-si cheme si neamurile..:)

  3. Frumos blog,i-mi place formatul,felicitari!!

  4. I really love your pictures. They are beautiful! I would love to go to the places that you photograph.
